What Mission Defines Your Life?

What we spend the majority of our waking lives doing should be valuable and rewarding.

Fueled To Go High

Authentic Blueprints are found in the heart. In the hidden mystic secret place now revealed that which was concealed.

"Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. For certain men have crept in unnoticed, who long ago were marked out for this condemnation, ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God into lewdness and deny the only Lord [b]God and our Lord Jesus Christ." -Jude

Embracing the Unknown

There is Hope! (Click for Sound)

Visual Storytelling Meets The Bible​

Fully animated, visually engaging explorations or accounts, stories, and themes from

the Bible to make the biblical stories accessible to everyone, everywhere.

Miracles Happen When You Believe

Watch Our Videos

Who you are is not for you to decide,

it's for you to discover


about your purpose

We all have on thing in common


Unique Struggles

Two big questions

Fellow Seeker Questions

We have all done things we shouldn't

Know Thyself

I set off on a quest of awe and exploration, guided by these 8 Words from the Lord that opened the doors of possibility, where I entered into the adventures that God had planned for me along the way. I was amazed by His goodness and grace as I witnessed Him change me from the inside out, showing me who I truly am and what I am called to do.

May my story inspire your story!

The eight Know Thyself words capture the essence of my journey and the message you want to share with you.

Love Essence

God Is Love! If you were asked if you learned how to love, how would you respond?

Light Essence

There's a Presence of God in those who walk with Him.

Possibility Essence

What you protect, you hold in your heart...

Opportunity Essence

Having an Unshakable Ethical Foundation offers a roadmap to a bountiful harvest.

Revelation Essence

Become like a child and unlock your gates...

Convergence Essence

Integrating calling, creativity, career, and community is convergence.

Time Essence

Kairos versus Chronos is how we tackle time...

Transition Essence

Did you know you were predesigned to be fashioned and patterned from Genesis?


It's Time To Come Back Into Rich Time

Sign in 0:01 / 1:55 Simplify System: Your Security, Streamlined

Simplify System: Your Security, Streamlined

May 08, 20241 min read

The most powerful drag and drop website builder and a funnel or landing page builder with built-in AB testing and web. Forms and surveys too. Not to mention built on the powerful Cloud ecosystem for fast speeds. But wait, that's not all....

We also have tons of other features that can literally replace 15 or more of your software subscriptions.

• drag and drop email builder

• SMS marketing with drip campaigns

• reputation management

• two-way text messaging just like a cell phone with pictures as well

• a unified conversations inbox for email, SMS, social media integration like Facebook Messenger, Instagram, DM's, Google My Business chat...

• website chat widget

All in one single unified conversations inbox! Isn't that awesome!

Well, we've got a lot more...

• text to pay

• unlimited calendars

• appointment meeting reminders

• automatic review requests

• powerful and fully customizable workflow automations engine allowing you to set up almost any rules to automate almost anything

• ringless voicemail drops

• opportunities pipelines

• analytics dashboard reporting

• automated calls

• call recording

• phone dialer

• missed call text back

But that's still not all .... the list keeps on going. Truly the ultimate all-in-one sales and marketing CRM built just for small businesses like yours. Automate your business today!

Simplify System is owned by Cyber Secure Online and comes with cybersecurity built into every subscription.

Simplify System: https://simplifysystem.net

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The woman said to Him, “I know that Messiah is coming” (who is called Christ).

“When He comes, He will tell us all things.” - John4:25

Read the Powerful Words of Jesus in the Gospels, Acts and Revelation. Click the buttons below...

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